Details that may seem irrelevant from the outside can sometimes turn into significant problems for us, disabled students. At such times, knowing that the Office for Diversity, Inclusion, and Coordination for Students with Disability is just a phone call or email away is incredibly valuable to us. For my visually impaired friends, it is more than just place that scans books or provides peer support for a physically disabled students. This Office is our family here at school, they are always by our side, looking out for our well-being in every problem we face.

Aslı Tümer
Media and Visual Arts, Sophomore

Since I started at Koç University in Fall 2018, I have been in the Work and Study program working for the Office for Diversity, Inclusion, and Coordination for Students with Disability affiliated with the Office of the Dean of Students. In this Office, we strive to help our friends with special needs who are studying at our university. Working in coordination and as a team with our friends not only builds our experience but also ensures that our friends do not fall behind in their education. At the university, we assist our friends with disabilities in social matters so that they do not feel isolated, helping them with their classes when necessary and doing other activities together. Hence, we ensure that they achieve success without being disconnected from their education. Overall, we act as a small family and are always ready to help each other, forming a community that supports one another.

Melih Üyer
Faculty of Law, Junior